Daily Fantasy Basketball
Our Free Daily NBA Lineups Tool works great when applying it to Draft Kings NBA Tiers Contests. Apply it tonight when playing in DKs FREE Tier contest for a chance to win a $100 and an NFL $4M 100th Millionaire Special Ticket (12/2). You can access the tourney at the following link:
Here are some value picks for today. Check out who is at the top of the Player Match-Up board for the Small Forward position. This is the kind of night when guys like Indiana Pacer's Bojan Bogdanovich, Thaddeus Young and Tyreke Evans explode. You could even slip in McDerrmott in DK lineup at $3,500, FD Lineup at $3,900. I would lean more towards the previous 3. Combine being at the Top of the Board (TOB) with Oladipo's absence, you're looking at real value at this position when considering Tyreke and Bojan. Tyreke is of course going against Sacramento. This is a snapshot of his history against Sacramento when he dropped a cool 42.9 last December in only 25 minutes in SAC:

Don't forget that there will be two Bogdanovich's on the floor tonight. The following is a snapshot of today's Player Match-Up board for the SF position:
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